Mire Beast
CR 9. A rancid creature that can be found rarely in dense, secluded forestland. Tripodal, amphibian creature whose skin excretes a noxious slime that poisons attackers. Known for its regenerative abilities, the Mire Beast is difficult to kill.
CR 9. A rancid creature that can be found rarely in dense, secluded forestland. Tripodal, amphibian creature whose skin excretes a noxious slime that poisons attackers. Known for its regenerative abilities, the Mire Beast is difficult to kill.
CR 9. A rancid creature that can be found rarely in dense, secluded forestland. Tripodal, amphibian creature whose skin excretes a noxious slime that poisons attackers. Known for its regenerative abilities, the Mire Beast is difficult to kill.